Gender diversity in the workplace: Pronouns, gender-stereotyped job listings, and perceptions of hireability
Past research has investigated the impact of gender and gender biases on hiring decisions for cisgender individuals. However, there is a lack of research on how perceptions of gender diverse individuals impact hiring decisions. The current work explores how a job applicant’s gender pronouns may impact the likelihood of the applicant getting hired. We also investigated whether this likelihood varied depending on the job description—specifically whether it included content related to gender stereotypes (e.g., “nurturing” versus “leadership capabilities” as a desired trait in job applicants). Ninety-six participants were randomly assigned to view an application package including she/her, he/him, or they/them pronouns, then rated the hireability of the applicant for two gender-stereotyped job listings (masculine, feminine) and one no-trait job listing (referenced as job trait: masculine, feminine, unspecified). We predicted that applicant pronouns would bias judgements of hireability, with nonbinary being rated least hireable, and further that this effect may be moderated by gendered job characteristics. Results indicated that there was no main effect of gender on hireability, nor an interaction between job applicant gender and job trait. Our study furthers the discussion on conceptualizations of nonbinary people and how others ascribe gendered traits to them.