The Importance of Our Performing Arts
This essay is titled "The Importance of Our Performing Arts" and it was written in February 2022. I was taking an argumentative writing class at the time where we have free range to choose a topic to write about, so naturally, I choose something I am passionate about, the impact of youth theatre on our adolescents. The prompt was to identify a driving question or phenomenon related to the arts to investigate and develop a complex thesis you could argue in the paper through the use of rhetorical strategies, I decided on the discussion between funding in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields and the arts and humanities, specifically youth theatre, and how the imbalance impacts adolescent development.
I incorporate theory revolving around aesthetics theory in Philosophy to better explain why not only the performing arts but art, in general, is a driving force for personal growth and self-discovery. I was able to deepen my understanding of just how important art is to the human condition and although holding no utility, society would be lost without it.